microElementary School in 2025-26

The microSchool is located at

First United Methodist Church, 29 E. Walnut St, Lancaster PA.

Parking available in back.


  • Parents and caregivers are an important part of homeschooling, however parent involvement is not a requirement during class time.

  • If you feel your child’s learning will benefit from your presence for other reasons, we can talk about that too!

  • We offer many paths at LRS because we want your child’s education to be individualized. You can choose to enroll in core classes or  just enrichment classes or our full curriculum.

  • Additional full membership perks include first dibs on our field trips to local museums, parks and special events, print outs of course descriptions for your portfolio and help with certification.

  • Classes are Wednesday and Friday from 11-3:30 various enrollment options available.

  • Multiple math tracks to meet diverse student needs and strengthen skills - Singapore Dimensions Math levels K - 6 (7, 8 available as needed), intervention math also available.

  • Our kindergarten program is called Bridges because we meet students where they are at regardless of age.

  • Tuition: $1,800 for full enrollment, $2,500 per year for full enrollment plus extended day.

Levels 1 to 6

Wednesday and Friday 12-3:30

Our elementary classes are for kids in grades 1-6 (or ages 6-12). Students will have Math, Language Arts (we use our own Orton Gillingham/Structured Word Inquiry program for the first two levels and the Logic of English texts for the next three) and two enrichment classes each semester. You may add on open gym time for a small fee.

The Singapore math method is focused on mastery, which is achieved through intentional sequencing of concepts. Some of the key features of the approach include the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) progression, number bonds, bar modeling, and mental math. Instead of pushing through rote memorization, students learn to think mathematically and rely on the depth of knowledge gained in previous lessons.


For any learner, of any age who needs to strengthen their ability to form connections between letters and their sounds and, to work on those two-vowel combinations (vowel teams).  The presentation is multisensory with plenty of concept review and learning games.  We position the students for success with a logical, step-by-step progression of skills.

Logic of English A is an Orton Gillingham-based curriculum which is dedicated to explaining the English language in a straightforward, kid-friendly way.  This works for all learners - great readers, struggling readers and dyslexic  readers.  To this great foundation, we add our own guided explorations of words using the technique of Structured Word Inquiry where kids act as “word detectives”.  Where they start or how fast they go is not important.  It only matters if the students learn.   Level A jumpstarts kids with commonly encountered words and is geared to those with beginning reading skills.

Logic of English B is similar to Level A but with more  depth and richness.  It can be used as a follow-on to Level A or as a starting point depending on a student's starting fund of knowledge.  

Logic of English C can be a first introduction to the Logic of English for students with solid fundamental reading and spelling skills or it can be used after completing Levels A and/or  B. This level includes many Latin and Greek roots and helps develop vocabulary skills that enable students to discover the meaning in texts. 

Bridges (kindergarten ages 4-7)

Wednesday and Friday 12-3

Wherever you're coming from and wherever you're at...we invite you to begin your journey with us in our Bridges class. This class is usually for five and six-year-olds but is not age-limited. While Bridges is similar to kindergarten, it may be appropriate for many different learners depending on where they are in their learning adventure. Some four-year-olds are ready to try letter-learning. Some seven-year-olds are just ready to start formal reading instruction. Everyone is welcome at Bridges! Here, students will receive a playful, interactive introduction to key, early reading skills as well as a hands-on start to mathematical thinking. We make use of well-written, multisensory curricula such as Singapore Math and Heggerty Phonemic Awareness in addition to our own creative, student-centered approach. There's also lots of fun - songs, games, physical activity, art and stories. Since LRS microSchool does not have grades, we allow students to progress at their own pace and, when they're ready, graduate to our Elementary Program.


Students are able to extend their day from 11 to 3:30.

Essential Information


"The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you'll go". —Dr. Seuss